my dogs!

the #treetwoproject

52° 21′ 9.61″N / 0° 13′ 3.35″ W / Altitude: 20.00m

The project idea started when I was experimenting with different social media platforms. I was used to Twitter and had been on Facebook and LinkedIn for years, but hadn’t paid much attention to Instagram, and Snapchat was just beginning to get a more adult following. Periscope I watched, but it wasn’t a platform that I was interested in broadcasting on.

The thing about social media is that you need content, you can like and share, but that’s not very fulfilling, so I decided to post the thing that I loved to look at – a great view. I have three Jack Russells and I walk them along a bridle path and stop after about 3/4 of a mile, which happens to be by a lovely Oak tree. I have a good relationship with the tree – that’s tree one, and like to have a rant there. Tree one is very understanding and doesn’t interrupt! From there, a little way along the track, is tree two – another Oak. It’s a great view, so I thought why not take a pic and post it on Instagram.

The bridle path runs parallel with the A14, and to the left of the tree you can sometimes see the lorries queuing on bad traffic days. On the right there are sometimes cranes, this is the site of Alconbury Weald where they are changing USAF Alconbury runway and hangars into housing and business.

So, I take a picture of tree two, while standing by tree one. It’s usually between 7am and 9am. It’s a great time to reflect, shout at the world, cry over a loss, to be thankful. It’s a place where I connect, it’s my time.

All the photos are taken with my old iPhone 5. Hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

Did you have a favourite?

I hope you have enjoyed looking at these as much as I enjoyed taking them.These are all low resolution images – if you had a favourite and would like a limited edition Giclée print to hang on your wall, please fill in the contact form and I will get back to you with options and prices – thankyou!

I need one for myself!

2 + 2 =

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